So as many of you know if you've read Book 1 in the Colton Cousins series Phoenix ended on a cliffhanger. Now I know everyone apparently hates cliffhangers. I myself don't mind them, yes I get a little bummed when I get to the end and realize I'm not going to get all the answers in this one book. However that just means I get to read a whole additional book with lots more in it because of it. I see it as a good thing. Would you rather me skim over things and get to the ending quickly in one book? Or, take another 280 pages to expand on the story and really give you the ending you deserve? Personally I'd choose option 2.
Therefor that's what you get. Part 2 of the duet will be out .... SOON.. dun dun duuuuuuuhhh! Sorry I can't give you a more specific time frame or date yet, since I just finished the first draft and am now making my first edit through it, adding subtracting and filling the gaps, plot holes and/or the parts I accidentally forget were in the beginning and didn't address later in the story. That happens sometimes when you're writing. Which is why I do at least 2 or 3 run through edits of my own before I even send it to me editor for her first pass at it.
But I can tell you this I would like Clover to release late June or early July. Most likely July. Which means pre-orders and sneak peeks and cover reveals will be happening in June. So don't forget to follow social media accounts and sign up for my newsletter which goes out every week on Monday's. There's a lot in them. Info on upcoming works, fun things I'm doing in my personal life like getting my tattoos and traveling, a picture of my Dingo Molly, music videos of what I'm currently listening to, as well as whatever books I've read that week. I usually read 2 books a week, as well as recommendations for new books and authors. So it's chalk full of fun shit. Did I mention I cuss a lot. Well, shit. YEAH I do, sue me. I have four brothers and no sisters, therefore I curse like a 1950's sailor.
Whelp sorry I didn't give anything away for Clover other than you'll have to read it to find out what happens to Clover and Phoenix and the sly Braxton. Could get bloody. hehehe. Insert Maniacal chuckle here.
Happy reading and see y'all soon!